The GATEWAY TO THE BIGS™ since 1979
The St. Louis Metro Collegiate Baseball League consists of exceptional players between the ages of 19-22 recruited from the greater metropolitan area. The Metro League is proud to report that 90% of players are attending college on athletic or academic scholarships.
In order to sharpen the skills of our players, provide better context for their performance and give ourselves a professional look, The Metro League exclusively uses wooden bats. We are a franchise of the NABF and send a team to post-season play through the NABF each season.
The Metro Collegians Instructional League was formed by ex-professional baseball players, Major League Scouts and area college and high school coaches with the intent to instruct boys at all age levels in the fundamentals of baseball. The Metro League conducts baseball clinics throughout the year for coaches, boys and girls in all age groups up to the age of 22.
Left to Right: Coach Rick Fiala, David Freese (Cardinals, Angels), Marty Stein, Coach Bob Williams, Brian "Bo" Boehringer (Yankees, Pirates, Padres, Giants)